k3s can create a compact kubernetes cluster for development.
With extra tweaks, you can access its containers from the host plain network.
- Static route to service network via flannel
- k3s has default subnetwork of
for services, and default host of10.42.0.1
for flannel
- k3s has default subnetwork of
- DNS config including kube-dns
- k3s has default host of
for kube-dns
- k3s has default host of
You can refer k3s Network configuration for details.
Static route to services
You can add an ephemeral static route like following:
# sudo ip route add via [dev cni0]
dev cni0
is a default virtual network device. It depends on your configuration, but can be automatically detected on many cases.
Startup configuration depends on each distro. An example of NetworkManager is as follows:
# nmcli connection modify cni0 ipv4.routes ""
This command will create /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/cni0.nmconnection
for later boot.
You can confirm this container connection with telnet 53
. Ctrl-d
will exit telnet.
failing route
Because k3s tends to start after all nework setup process, static route can be fail occasionally.
ip route add
after boot will be a stable solution.
Adding kube-dns to resolv.conf
Service hostname need to be resolved by kube-dns, running on
You can theoretically set up this in /etc/resolv.conf
like following:
nameserver <IP of default nameserver>
search default.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local
You can confirm actual kube-dns address with kubectl get svc -nkube-system
But the actual way you should set DNS configs depends on destros.
you need to consult specific docs on networking provided by each distribution.
Ubuntu uses NetworkManager for its networking layer. And some configs use systemd-resolved as a DNS backend.
systemd-resolved treats
.local domains as mDNS target, so it will conflict with kubernetes .cluster.local
For skipping systemd-resolved proxy, /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
will be as follows:
DNS= <IP of default nameserver>
Domains=dev.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local
DNSStubListener=no changes symlinks of /etc/resolv.conf.
Now, it will point /etc/resolve.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf.
For immediate reflection, run systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
as root.
It will rewrite configs under /run/systemd/resolve/
field will convert into search
field of resolv.conf.
You can connect to some-svc
without its FQDN of some-svc.default.svc.cluster.local
Network security on each container
With route & DNS, you can access containers directly from localhost.
But several software have its own network security layer.
For example, PostgreSQL need to have configs allowing access from 192.168.x.x
on pg_hba.conf
This accessing host IP will come from plain LAN settings.
Chuma Takahiro