About Unicorn Research

Unicorn Research aims leading TI - Technology based Intelligence - industry.

Just as books were born from printing technology, we develop intelligent software based on widespread IT.

We will contribute to the evolution of society by providing “another perspective” that users have not noticed.

Company Name unicorn research ltd.
Leadership Chuma Takahiro, Director
Incorporated 2013
Office Cellurean Tower 15F, Shibuya, Tokyo
Email [email protected]


Social Insurance Labor and Social Security Attorney Yokoi Yu, Labor and Social Security Attorney Y.M.P.
2015 Jan. Move office to Shibuya
2013 Jun. Unicorn Research Ltd. was incorporated at Kichijoji.
top profile
chuma takahiro

Chuma Takahiro

Unicorn Research Ltd.

Director, StarLeague Ltd.
Director, Nous Inc.
Opensource ERP LucaSuite Creator -Arctic Code Vault Contributor - GitHub